lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Fable: Conflict


The mantis told Sandy to stopo laughing but she laughed like a hyena. Then Edgard said "Please stop laughing or i will start crying", then she started running until she found Megan.
When he called her, she started running and she followed her.When Gregory saw her, he started running next to Megan.When he saw tehm, he stopped running and started shouting calling Christine, but she didnt appeared.
Moral: Dont judge a book by its cover.

Introduction by: Tomas Castelli
Conflict by: Raul Villizzianto
Resolution by: Julian Erausquin.

1 comentario:

  1. There are some spelling mistakes. There's a part in which is difficult to understando who you are talking about (I cannot follow who's he or she at the beginning) Nice work.
